Deepest Darkest Fear: Part 2- The Healing & Learning

Finished reading part 1? If you’ve just stumbled on this post, then I’d suggest you to read this first. 🙂 Welcome to part 2! The dating incident didn’t allow me to think straight for a while. Partly, perhaps because for the three of four years of my uni life I didn’t go out much for…

Deepest Darkest Fear: Part 1 – The Breaking

Recently, I was asked, ‘what is your deepest darkest fear?’ After a brief thought I blurted out, ‘Loving someone and them leaving me.’ ‘That’s it? There must be something else?’ they asked. ‘I can’t think of anything else…’ I replied. ‘Well, you’re pretty brave then.’ they said. Thinking back to this conversation, I retrospected on…

Valentine Wishes

Often I’ve heard people wishing to have someone to understand them, know them more than anyone else. Trying to find true love doesn’t really help and is mostly hurtful, just as expected from life because love extraordinarily finds us in the most bizarre situations. Expecting someone else to know you better is worst because the…

Wandering Thoughts

Everyday I travel for 45 minutes to my university by the bus. The buses here in Edinburgh are incredibly different from the PRTCs back in India. There are two compartments, a main and another above it. In the lower compartment there is space for disabled people, the seating arrangement is such that the first three…